Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 10109
1st International Conference and Festival of Jewish Theater, program, 1982
(2) 5 Star Patches, 1 Woven Banner, 1995 to 1998
2 unmarked
2nd AIAW National Intercollegiate Basketball Championship 2nd Place Plaque, 1973
This series contains plaques, trophies, certificates, and other forms of awards given to Lucille Kyvallos and/or her team. It also holds correspondence, programs, fliers, and other written or printed materials related to awards events. Highlights include Kyvallos's New York City Basketball Hall of Fame plaque, Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) 1st place trophies, and mayoral proclamations related to the Queens College Women’s Basketball team’s success.
4" x 6" (65 folders/photo envelopes), circa early 1980s to early 2010s
Includes black and white as well as color images measuring 4" x 6" that portray Marshall and colleagues engaging in political activities from the early 1980s to early 2000s.
5" x 7" (38 folders/photo envelopes), circa early 1980s to early 2000s
Includes black and white as well as color images measuring 5" x 7" that portray Marshall and colleagues engaging in political activities from the early 1980s to early 2000s.
5Q Convocation
5Q Convocation, 1987-11-16
Program for the 50th Anniversary Academic Convocation at the Colden Center on November 16, 1987.
8 ½ - Audio of Final Scene
This series consists of audiocassettes of recordings made by Michael Wreszin. Many of these recordings are interviews conducted as research for the Dwight Macdonald biography and recordings of talks and lectures by Macdonald. There are also jazz radio tapings made by Wreszin and lectures and readings he gave. The tapes are organized in chronological order. *Tapes related to Dwight Macdonald and New York Intellectuals are starred.
8" x 10" (12 folders), circa late 1950s to early 2010s
Includes black and white as well as color images measuring 8" x 10" that portray Marshall and colleagues engaging in political activities from the late 1950s to early 2010s.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Type
- Archival Object 9904
- Digital Record 205
- Subject
- Feminism 7
- Food 1
- LGBTQ+ history 1
- Psychology 1
- Queens (New York, N.Y.) 1
- Language
- English 5505
- Spanish; Castilian 178
- Latin 80
- German 24
- Italian 21
- French 13
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 5
- Hebrew 5
- English, Old (ca.450-1100) 3
- Arabic 3
- Korean 3
- Persian 3
- Chinese 2
- Dutch; Flemish 2
- Egyptian (Ancient) 2
- Akkadian 1
- Danish 1
- Dyula 1
- Dzongkha 1
- Irish 1
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453) 1
- Nahuatl languages 1
- Polish 1
- Russian 1
- Sumerian 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681 26
- Cañizares, José de, 1676-1750 16
- Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616 11
- Pérez de Montalván, Juan, 1602-1638 10
- Phillips, Warren, 1926- 9
- Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 9
- Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635 9
- Hoffmann, Banesh 7
- Moreto , Agustín, 1618-1669 7
- Kouguell, Arkadie, 1898-1985 6
- Palisca, Claude V. 6
- Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de, 1607-1648 6
- Zamora, Antonio de, approximately 1660-1728? 6
- Zavala y Zamora, Gaspar, 1762-1813? 6
- Einstein, Albert 5
- Tobin, James 5
- Barzun, Jacques 4
- Bazelaire, Paul, 1886-1958 4
- Comella, Luciano Francisco, 1751-1812 4
- Harrison, Michael 4
- Lozano, Cristóbal, 1609-1667 4
- Masses & Mainstream 4
- Research and Destroy New York City 4
- Rodríguez de Arellano, Vicente, approximately 1750-approximately 1806 4
- Shelton, Thomas, 1601-1650? 4
- Tarack, Gerald, 1930-2012 4
- Alam, Jordan 3
- Asadorian, William 3
- Berkowitz, Sol, 1922-2006 3
- Costa de Beauregard, O.(Olivier) 3
- Cruz, Ramón de la, 1731-1794 3
- Fontrier, Gabriel, 1918-1998 3
- Fournier, Pierre, 1906-1986 3
- Hallmark, Rufus E., 1943- 3
- Hill, Forbes 3
- Kouguell, Arthur, 1952-1977 3
- Kraft, Leo, 1922-2014 3
- Moncín, Luis 3
- Olopherne, Sherley C. 3
- Ormsby, John, 1829-1895 3
- Queens College Faculty String Quartet 3
- Rathaus, Karol, 1895-1954 3
- Rezano Imperiali, Antonio 3
- Solís, Antonio de, 1610-1686 3
- Valladares de Sotomayor, Antonio 3
- Virgil 3
- W.W. Norton and Company, Incorporated 3
- Zaratzian, Harry, 1922-2013 3
- Aldus Manutius the Younger 2
- American Composers Orchestra 2
- Aristotle, 384 B.C.-322 B.C. 2
- Belloy, Pierre-Laurent Buirette de, 1727-1775 2
- Benderly, Jill 2
- Booklyn, Inc. 2
- Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564 2
- Carl Fischer Music 2
- Castellini, John, 1905-2002 2
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius 2
- Cole, Natalie, 1950-2015 2
- Columbia College (Columbia University) 2
- Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy 2
- Copland, Aaron, 1900-1990 2
- Ebert, Carl, 1887-1980 2
- Euclid 2
- Free Synagogue of Flushing (1917-) 2
- French, A. P. (Anthony Philip) 2
- Glick, Jacob, 1926-1999 2
- Goldoni, Carlo, 1707-1793 2
- Hlavatý, Václav 2
- Jacobs, Rich 2
- Kaplan, Melvin, 1929-2022 2
- Keatley, Robert 2
- Kouguell, Marie 2
- Kron, Gabriel 2
- Kurka, Robert, 1921-1957 2
- Levin, Walter, 1924-2017 2
- Manuzio, Paolo 1512-1574 2
- Mao, Zedong 2
- Musgrave, Thea 2
- National Association of Composers, U.S.A. 2
- New Republic 2
- New York Flute Club 2
- Novack, Saul, 1909-1998 2
- Oratorio Society of New York 2
- Ovid 2
- Parisot, Aldo, 1918-2018 2
- Phillips, Edward, 1630-1696? 2
- Queens College Choral Society 2
- Quintilian 2
- Racine, Jean, 1639-1699 2
- Schor, Joseph M., 1920-2015 2
- Seesaw Music Corp 2
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 2
- Shary, Chris 2
- Silvermine String Quartet (1958-1988) 2
- Stiller, Niklas 2
- Theodore Presser Company 2
- Tonnelat, Marie-Antoinette 2
- Wolfe, Paul, 1926-2016 2
- Abbott, Edwin Abbott 1 ∧ less