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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 198

Homophile Movement Publications Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: SCA-0107

Curated sets of issues of homophile (pre-Stonewall LGBTQ+) advocacy and community publications the Mattachine Review and The Ladder.

Dates: 1960 - 1968

Hortense Powdermaker Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SCA-0038
Abstract Hortense Powdermaker (1896-1970) was a noted anthropologist, writer, and educator. She was a Professor of Anthropology at Queens College from 1937 to 1968. The collection comprises materials related to her research and field work in Lesu (New Ireland, Papua New Guinea) in the late 1920s, in Indianola, Mississippi in the early 1930s, and in Luanshya, Zambia in the early 1950s, and includes field notes, interviews, survey results, correspondence, and unpublished manuscripts of writings. The...
Dates: circa 1929-1967

Hratch Zadoian Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SCA-0039

This collection consists of items donated by Hratch Zadoian, professor of political science and retired administrator at Queens College, relating to various projects he was involved with between 1983 and 2011. The collection includes photos; news clippings; printed booklets and programs; videotapes; and other miscellanea. Some of the items have been digitized.

Dates: 1983-2011

Hubert Albertz Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SCA-0037-B

The Hubert Albertz collection contains documentation of political activism of Hubert Albertz, a New York City custodian and member of the Building Service Employees International Union (BSEIU) Local 32E. Albertz was fired from his job and expelled from his Local in the Bronx for protesting dues increases at a union meeting. He spent over 30 years documenting and exposing corruption in the BSEIU.

Dates: 1938-2011

Hugo Weisgall Oral History

Identifier: SCA-0074
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of four interviews with Hugo Weisgall between 1980-1981. These phone conversations were carried out by Laura Leon as part of her research for her dissertation at the Teacher's College, Columbia University. The dissertation was titled "A Study, Analysis, and Performance of the Songs and Song Cycles for Voice and Piano by Hugo Weisgall".

Dates: 1981-07-07 - 1982-01-10

J. Chester Johnson Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SCA-0041
Scope and Content Note

This collection documents J. Chester Johnson’s literary work. Contents include publications - essays, poetry, and books - as well as research materials, publicity materials, reviews, and copies of personal awards and honors. Johnson's writing focuses on the Civil Rights Movement and the Episcopal Church.

Dates: 2005 - 2014

James Muyskens Oral History

Identifier: QMP-0018
Scope and Contents

In this interview, James Muyskens, former president of Queens College, talks about the value of his background in philosophy in his work as college administrator. He also talks about his work to instill pride in the Queens College community, to inspire in the students and the faculty the idea that Queens College is one of the best institutions for higher learning in the country.

Dates: 2013-12-05

James R. Forman Library Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SCA-0076

James Forman was an important figure in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, serving as Executive Secretary of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) between 1961-1966, and a life-long intellectual and activist. The James Forman Library includes approximately 1,940 books; four thousand printed items (comprised of pamphlets, serials, and reports); ten linear feet of FBI files; five linear feet of media materials; and three linear feet of personal papers.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1964 - 2000; 1872-2005

Jannis Izaak Risseeuw Parental School Album and Ephemera

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: SCA-0087
Content Description One album with more than 100 black and white photographs of the Parental School, the predecessor institution to Queens College, which operated from 1909-1934. The album contains photos of the dormitory, bakery, grounds, printshop, tailor, and various educational and social activities. Some items document family photographs and trips outside of the school. The album was owned by Jannis Izaak Risseeuw, who served as music master and conductor of the Parental School Band. As depicted in the...
Dates: 1910 - 1920

Jean Bartelt Oral History

Identifier: QMP-0033
Scope and Contents In this interview, Jean Bartelt reminisces about growing up in Queens as the child of German immigrant parents. She describes herself as a “Queens product,” having studied in PS 135 and Jamaica High School, and then Queens College where she attained a bachelor’s degree and two graduate degrees. She describes the house in Hollis, where she grew up and where she still lives, her home, which was the reason her family did not leave in the sixties when most families in her neighborhood left...
Dates: 2012-04-04

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Additional filters:

oral histories (literary works) 59
interviews 58
Civil rights movement 38
Queens (New York, N.Y.) 29
Mississippi Freedom Project 12
∨ more
Student movements 12
Music 10
Flushing (New York, N.Y.) 9
New York (N.Y.) 8
Prince Edward County (Va.) 8
South Jamaica (New York, N.Y.) 5
Gay rights 4
Jewish musicians 4
Mississippi 4
Women in higher education 4
audiocassettes 4
Atlanta (Ga.) 3
Composers 3
History of the book 3
Nineteen sixties 3
Photographs 3
Rare library materials 3
rare books 3
AIDS (Disease) 2
Academic Libraries 2
Book design 2
Communism in education 2
Education, Higher 2
Elections 2
Episcopal Church 2
Greek American newspapers 2
Greek Americans 2
History 2
Labor unions 2
Manhattan (borough) 2
Newark (N.J.) 2
Newsletters 2
Orangeburg County (S.C.) 2
Physics 2
Prints (visual works) 2
Race relations -- United States 2
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 2
World War II 2
artists’ books (books) 2
journals (periodicals) 2
photograph albums 2
scrapbooks 2
Academic freedom 1
Accounting 1
Anthropology 1
Anti-communist movements 1
Anti-war demonstrations 1
Arkansas 1
Art 1
Associations 1
Basketball for women 1
Basketball for women--Coaching 1
Bell towers 1
Boston (Mass.) 1
Cold War 1
College sports for women 1
College students 1
College teachers 1
Composition (Language arts) 1
Counseling in higher education 1
Counterculture 1
Educational mobility 1
Elaine Massacre, Elaine, Ark., 1919 1
Environmentalism 1
Ethnic relations 1
Feminism 1
Food 1
Gay composers 1
Graphic design (Typography) 1
Greece 1
Home economics 1
Homophiles 1
Ioannina (inhabited place) 1
Jewish authors 1
Judaism 1
LGBTQ+ authors 1
LGBTQ+ history 1
LGBTQ+ periodicals 1
Literature 1
Long Island (N.Y.) 1
Menus 1
New York (State). Legislature. Assembly 1
New York Harbor (N.Y. and N.J.) 1
Opera 1
Organized crime investigation -- United States 1
Philosophy 1
Politicians New York (State) 1
Posters 1
Printing 1
Psychology 1
Public art 1
Queens College (New York, N.Y.) 1
Racial justice in education 1
Radicalism 1
Reformatories 1
∧ less
English 195
Spanish; Castilian 5
Greek, Modern (1453-) 3
German 2
Armenian 1
∨ more  
Queens College (New York, N.Y.) 58
Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 17
Mondesir, Obden 11
Rushfield, Rebecca 9
Council of Federated Organizations (U.S.) 6
∨ more
Levy, Mark 5
Tummino, Annie 5
City University of New York 4
Savage, Dean 4
Shaw, Stanley 4
Wenger, Michael 4
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 3
Queens Memory Project 3
Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 3
Summer Community Organization and Political Education (Organization) 3
Weidman, Bette 3
Aaron Copland School of Music 2
Albertz, George 2
Andrews, Rosalind 2
Asadorian, William 2
Forman, James, 1928-2005 2
Gatti, Arthur 2
Goodman, Andrew 2
Hartman, Tess 2
Konzal, Jean 2
Kouguell, Alexander 2
Lee, Robert I. 2
Nestle, Joan 2
Paul Klapper Library 2
Powdermaker, Hortense 2
Queens College (New York, N.Y.). Department of Music 2
Queens College (New York, N.Y.). SEEK Program 2
Queens College Mexico Volunteers 2
Rathaus, Karol, 1895-1954 2
Rustin, Bayard 2
Savio, Mario 2
Shur, Moshe 2
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 2
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.) 2
Wallach, Lori 2
Waters, Constance 2
Yaffe, Deborah 2
Young, Andrew 2
ACT UP New York (Organization) 1
Abodunrin, Hikmah 1
Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications 1
Aguayo , Gary 1
Albertz, Hubert 1
Alley Pond Environmental Center 1
Alumni Association of Queens College 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Society of News Editors 1
Amin, Mohamed Q. 1
Anderson, Khaleel 1
Aptheker, Herbert 1
Asher, Rikki , Dr. 1
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 1
Balan, Edith 1
Barnes, Christian 1
Bartelt, Jean 1
Bartolini, Bridget 1
Bell, Daniel, 1919-2011 1
Bellow, Saul 1
Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library (1988 -) 1
Berman, Andrew 1
Berube, Maurice R. 1
Birstein, Ann 1
BlackMass Publishing 1
Bond , Julian, 1940-2015 1
Booklyn Artists Alliance 1
Booklyn, Inc. 1
Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918 1
Branciforte, Richard 1
Brock, Carol 1
Brostek, Joseph 1
Buckley, William F., Jr., 1925-2008 1
Cabán, Tiffany 1
Cairns, Helen Smith, 1938-12-5 1
Carey, Tom 1
Carra, Regina 1
Chaney, James Earl, 1943-1964 1
City University of New York. Search for Education and Knowledge Program 1
Civil Rights Coordinating Council 1
Clark, Edward G., Jr. 1
Cohen, Saul B. (Saul Bernard), 1925-2021 1
Colden, Charles S. 1
Colson, Jacqueline 1
Commoner, Barry 1
Covington, Sarah 1
Daughters of Bilitis 1
Delany, Sheila 1
DellaPina, Mario 1
Democratic Socialists of America 1
Dildilian, Margaret 1
Dolcimascolo, Gelia 1
Donno, Daniel 1
Dow Chemical Company 1
Dow Jones & Co 1
Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 1
∧ less